why teachers choose younger children to teach rather than older ones?
2006-01-24 21:15:17 UTC
why teachers choose younger children to teach rather than older ones?
Five answers:
2006-01-25 12:48:34 UTC
I believe it's all a matter of preference. I teach high school because I like to have somewhat intelligent conversations with my students. I like to help them in becoming better people. I want to send them off into the world as a prepared adult.
Some people prefer to teach younger children where they can mold, and be creative, and not have an attitude thrown back at them all the time.
Each teacher just needs to find the age that best suits their personality and taste.
2016-12-07 03:18:56 UTC
i think of the reality that our civilization has survived could say that in the time of a few way spanking teaches self discipline. regularly polls continuously prepare 80 5% of adults in the US have been spanked starting to be up. easily there are some adults that lack self disciple yet they are an especially small minority. i've got under no circumstances met a newborn like your newborn a million (a minimum of no longer previous the toddler point). i think of any little ones who're like that that is because of the fact their mom and dad did no longer prepare useful discipline. you may first explaining to the youngster why what they did replaced into incorrect and the a possibility genuine international outcomes of their action. then you definately impose the guy made consequence (spanking, grounding, timeout, taking stuff away, etc.) to enhance the reminiscence of their techniques. Then later on you clarify I did this to you so as that in the time of the destiny you will no longer possibility this genuine (fill in the sparkling) consequence. As a instructor i'm particular you have additionally met childrens who say i might do this because of the fact i'm going to get grounded, or no longer be allowed to rigidity, or lose my cellular telephone, etc. It has no longer something to do with the disciplinary gadget used (use even if works which contain your newborn) and each thing to do with how the ensure makes use of that gadget.
Help me please!
2006-01-24 21:26:46 UTC
Younger children are eager to learn and usually behave better than older ones because they are not into the social aspects of school. I am comparing grade school children to middle and high school children.
bad girl
2006-01-25 06:38:00 UTC
bcs younger children is more easier to talk to rather than the older ones bcs the older have their own way of thinking & instead of listening to their teachers they rather think for themselves seems like they know everything
2006-01-24 21:16:43 UTC
Because they can be molded.
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