I highly recommend using citationmachine.net for your bibliography in the future, but I can help you for this one.
For the quotes themselves, you have them in quotation marks, followed by a little parenthetical citation with the author's name and page number. If you want to get rid of a part of the quote, such as an extra phrase or two that is irrelevant between two points, add an ellipsis, or "..." where the text was missing. You may also want to add one at the beginning if your quote starts in the middle of a sentence. You almost never need one at the end of a quote.
Text you have written leading up to quote, "Text of quote." (Quote_author's_last_name page#) Your writing continues here.
Text you have written leading up to the quote. "First part of the quote...second part of the quote." (Last_name page#)
The bibliography is put on a new page atfter your letter. It is written as follows, with notes and formatting in brackets "[ ]". You can use this formatting and substitute necessary information into it in the future, as this works for anything published as a regular book.
Last_name, First_name[author one] and First_name Last_name[author two]. [underlined]Play name[stop underline]. #of ed[optional]. Place_of_Publication: Publisher, Publishing_Year.
I can substitute in as much as this, you'll have to look at your copy to fill in the rest. If you can't find where it was published in that information-filled page at the start of your book, bet on New York. Indent every line after the first one, if you can.
Lawrence, Jerome and Robert E. Lee. [underline]Inherit the Wind[end underline]. #of ed. Place_of_Publication: Publisher, Publishing_Year.
Best of luck.