Here is a nice, concise description that might yield some quotes for you:
The study of the media revolves around the following key concepts.
When approaching the analysis of any text, you need to consider the
above - these are the things which drive a text's construction and reception. Your ME1 exam in particular will ask you to analyse a text whilst focusing on one of these concepts.
You will also need to consider codes and conventions - technical, symbolic and verbal - and different potential (preferred and oppositional) readings of a text.
Success in Media Studies is heavily reliant on you knowing the right word to use to describe all this. Terminology is there to help you, to make your descriptions accurate - use it.
There is also an excellent Effects Glossary at cultsock which offers clear explanations of many of the media terms you will encounter.
Here is another from Rutgers:
The Center's Mission
The Center for Media Studies is concerned with the impact of media on contemporary society. Through research, teaching, public events and outreach, the Center seeks ways for the media to better serve the public interest.
Founded by the Department of Journalism and Media Studies in the School of Communication, Information, and Library Studies at Rutgers University, the Center brings faculty and students together from diverse departments at each of Rutgers' campuses to work with citizens, educators, foundations, government agencies, and media professionals.
MIT also has a good introduction to their program--lots of good eduspeak: