Quotes relating to media studies that would make me look clever and give me extra marks in my essay? x?
2009-04-19 14:26:58 UTC
Quotes relating to media studies that would make me look clever and give me extra marks in my essay? I need the name of the dudes too. just any quote maybe relating to the key concepts etc please don't fail me yahoo. xxxxxx
Four answers:
Lee H
2009-04-19 14:39:31 UTC
Relating to the key concepts of ... what exactly?

Quotes don't make you look clever... they add weight and relevance to an idea... so to inappropriately use a quote, will make you look really stupid.

Here you go though, use this one...

“The only "ism" Hollywood believes in is plagiarism.” - Dorothy Parker.
2016-12-16 10:38:24 UTC
Media Studies Quotes
2009-04-19 14:47:47 UTC
Here is a nice, concise description that might yield some quotes for you:

The study of the media revolves around the following key concepts.







When approaching the analysis of any text, you need to consider the

above - these are the things which drive a text's construction and reception. Your ME1 exam in particular will ask you to analyse a text whilst focusing on one of these concepts.

You will also need to consider codes and conventions - technical, symbolic and verbal - and different potential (preferred and oppositional) readings of a text.

Success in Media Studies is heavily reliant on you knowing the right word to use to describe all this. Terminology is there to help you, to make your descriptions accurate - use it.

There is also an excellent Effects Glossary at cultsock which offers clear explanations of many of the media terms you will encounter.

Here is another from Rutgers:

The Center's Mission

The Center for Media Studies is concerned with the impact of media on contemporary society. Through research, teaching, public events and outreach, the Center seeks ways for the media to better serve the public interest.

Founded by the Department of Journalism and Media Studies in the School of Communication, Information, and Library Studies at Rutgers University, the Center brings faculty and students together from diverse departments at each of Rutgers' campuses to work with citizens, educators, foundations, government agencies, and media professionals.

MIT also has a good introduction to their program--lots of good eduspeak:
2016-03-16 14:37:52 UTC
"I hope I never get so old I get religious." Ingmar Bergman "One of the greatest gifts science has brought to the world is continuing elimination of the supernatural." James D. Watson, Nobel laureate, co-discoverer of the molecular structure of DNA "I think enormous harm is done by religion — not just in the name of religion, but actually by religion. ... Many people do simply awful things out of sincere religious belief, not using religion as a cover the way that Saddam Hussein may have done, but really because they believe that this is what God wants them to do, going all the way back to Abraham being willing to sacrifice Issac because God told him to do that. Putting God ahead of humanity is a terrible thing." Steven Weinberg “Folks that endlessly copy and paste from the bible, constantly talk of god's love, give god credit for all their achievements should come face to face with their addiction and seek help.” Rev. Leo Booth "Let's not forget that the first holocaust took place not in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany, or Poland, but on the cotton fields of Christian America, the gold mines of Catholic Brazil, and the sugar plantations of the Caribbean. One and a half million Negroes died in transit from their homeland. We don't know how many were worked, whipped, tortured, hanged or beaten to death but the ultimate toll was considerably greater than the combined toll in Auswitz, Belsen and the like. We're talking about the Christian holocaust." OzHeretic Prepare Slaughter Philosophy is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat. Metaphysics is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat that isn't there. Theology is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat that isn't there and shouting "I found it!" Anon "When two men of science disagree, they do not invoke the secular arm; they wait for further evidence to decide the issue, because, as men of science, they know that neither is infallible. But when two theologians differ, since there is no criteria to which either can appeal, there is nothing for it but mutual hatred and an open or covert appeal to force." Bertrand Russell "The Bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer. This may be the single most important key to the political behavior of Western Civilization." Robert A. Wilson "If the resurrection of Jesus cannot be believed except by assenting to the fantastic descriptions included in the Gospels, then Christianity is doomed. For that view of resurrection is not believable, and if that is all there is, then Christianity, which depends upon the truth and authenticity of Jesus' resurrection, also is not believable." Bishop John Shelby Spong "The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending, then having the two as close together as possible.” George Burns

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.